#BlackCoco - How to Create the Perfect Marketing Campaign?

If you’ve ever wonder how to create the perfect marketing campaign in order to get your company, project or idea to as many people as possible, in this new Coco Solution article we are going to show you the most effective ways for it and all the monetary and non-monetary benefits that you can generate to fully succeed in your strategy.
Everyone knows a business plan is essential, yet many entrepreneurs don’t realize a marketing plan is just as vital. Unlike the former, the latter focuses on winning and keeping customers; it's strategic and includes numbers, facts and objectives.
A good marketing plan spells out all the tools and tactics used to achieve sales goals. It’s a plan of action - what will be sold, who'll want to buy it and the tactics that will be used to generate leads that result in sales.
Marketers like to talk about the benefits of creating a marketing plan for each business. While doing so is important, how does that plan turn into individual campaigns that drive actual revenue?
To implement a marketing plan, a complete system for each marketing initiative that ensures its success is needed. It doesn’t matter if is a lead generation, content marketing or an email campaign, each one needs to have its own action plan that drives its execution and ultimately a significant return on a marketing investment.
What is a marketing campaign?
The answer to this question is clear - it is one of the main weapons that companies have to not only gain visibility but also to sell products or services. This kind of campaign is usually based on a series of actions in a specific period of time.
Obviously, all of this is previously studied so the product increases its value and reach potential customers. In the end, every business want the same - conversion. Surely you have seen many different campaigns throughout your life, such as:
- Advertising banners in certain points of interest in the most populated locations
- Television commercials
- Radio ads
- Digital marketing
- Editing (for instance, fake news)
- Events (very important to establish professional contacts)
These campaigns are organized, strategized efforts to promote a specific company goal, such as raising awareness of a new product or capturing customer feedback. They typically aim to reach consumers in a variety of ways and involve a combination of ways.
Although nowadays marketing can be divided in digital and traditional, the goals are the same. Campaigns don’t include all marketing efforts for a brand. In fact, the word campaign is defined as “a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result”.
That’s the reason politicians campaign for a specific election and militaries campaign for a specific battle. Great campaigns follow a consistent theme and promote a single or focused idea or goal.
What are the objectives of a digital marketing campaign?
Even though the company sets the goals, it’s really recommended to be realistic. It's better to be happy than disappointed. In this way, there is a keyword, proactivity. Thus, if you make a mistake, it’d better be quick and cheap.
If you are new to creating an advertising campaign, we recommend you to set your hopes low and increase them over time. In addition, is advisable to set clear objectives. However, as you already know what a good campaign offers, next is a list of usually set goals:
- Increase sales
- Gain followers
- Expand the community
- Get metrics to improve the product or service
- Validate the brand, product, idea, etc.
- Improve image and revenue
Furthermore, a calendar with all future and past actions implemented in different platforms is a must.
Advantages of a good campaign
A campaign will give more advantages than disadvantages if a huge amount of money isn’t invested. In this way, when something bad happens… is your fault. But when something good happens… is due to many factors. Among the advantages of a good campaign are:
- Expanding your knowledge about the sector and its niche market
- Being in contact with other of your area
- Increasing your revenue
- Brand recognition (for example, Just do it or I’m lovin’ it)
- Attracting investors
- Identifying opportunities
Whether it’d be a good or bad marketing campaign, you can always learn from it in order to improve next movements.
How a good advertising campaign should be?
If you’ve paid attention, something that at this point would make us very happy, you’d know that one of the most importants things is making a study about the sector. Not in vain, chances of conversion increase, as the users will be more prone to it. But there are more questions that need answers.
Digital or traditional marketing? Which one is better?
One thing you must have in mind - traditional marketing is much more expensive and it is very complicated to know if the conversions generated come through traditional channels. One of its advantages is that certain products on the street generate more chances for conversion. However, all actions made through digital marketing actions are absolutely measurable.
Digital marketing enthusiasts argue that if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. The truth is that there are many examples of successful stories that produce a lot of return for on a relatively small investment.
Honestly, the endless options given by different platforms such as Facebook, Google or Twitter to measure the campaign’s impact are a great way to improve future actions until you find the right formula. Here are three ways to make the perfect marketing campaign.
Social Media - All in to engagement
These days, social media are essential tools to promote a brand. All large businesses have at least one person working with two social networks on behalf of the company. A good community manager will get a lot of loyalty if he/she knows how to use social media tools.
Apart from the message you want to convey, if you ask yourself how to make a perfect campaign through social networks, you should know that the key lies in a good segmentation of your target audience. Choose a catchy publication that make your followers interact with the brand, make draws, contest…
SEO & SEM - Appearing on the first places is vital
If there is a channel that has generated conversion with hardly any investment is SEO, although this has been in concrete and isolated cases. Investing in Search Engine Optimization is investing in an expert generating content based on searching parameters within certain sector. In this way, after a detailed study it’s time for optimized texts to position them when important days arrive.
Moreover, choosing a good SEM strategy based on payment for specific keywords that appear when the potential users type certain terms on search engines is also useful.
Email Marketing campaign - Send me all please
Did you know that a good marketing campaign can also work through emails? This kind of campaign are really effective if a detailed study about potential customers has been made. Through a great SEO and social media strategies you can get many emails to start making a campaign showing your service and product.
Don't let them forget you, let them see you, let them remember, get inside the head of your users with a catchy slogan, an impressive banner and whatever they can be attracted. Let the show begin.
This type of campaigns aren’t easy, but they’re valuable and integral to growing a successful brand and business. Campaigns set apart certain deliverables from general promotional efforts and touch your audience in creative and exciting ways.
Some might argue that any campaign is better than none because you are directing your business marketing efforts. However, for the most bang for your buck, planning and using metrics are the best strategy.
Campaigns are not solely reliant on advertising and can include demonstrations, video conferencing, and other interactive techniques. Businesses operating in highly competitive markets may initiate frequent campaigns and devote significant resources to generating brand awareness and sales.
If you’re not sure where to start, consider what would be valuable to your audience… and go from there. Your audience is, after all, the lifeblood of your campaigns and company. Start your marketing campaign and get your slice of the cake!