Non Professional Marketing, a Black Hole for Many Businesses

Author : Coco Solution
01 de Marzo, 2021
Run away from amateurism as if you were being chased by a great fireball!

Unprofessionalism is neither created nor destroyed, it’s transformed. Perhaps for this reason, this particular manifestation, formed over the years on the basis of clichés, truisms or platitudes is practically everywhere. And marketing, unfortunately, is not an exception....

Anyone who works in this sector will have suffered from an enlightened person who claims to have studied at the ‘University of Life’. Maybe what many don't know is that there’s a scientific explanation: the Dunning-Kruger effect, which concluded in 1999 that ‘the less we know, the more we think we know’.

Enlightened Unprofessionalism, also in Digital Marketing

The amateur in marketing is that person with knowledge of everything, but who isn’t an expert in anything. He or she doesn't know what a vector logo is, nor how to segment in social networks, nor how to manage the content of a website, nor how to position a landing page for services... This is a business, not a bar counter. Don't even think of entering the Church of Amateurology!

Why should I pay you if my cousin can make a website for free?

Nowadays the Internet is full of content management systems with which you can create web pages easily and free of charge. That’s in theory. But in real life it’s very different... And then the famous web maintenance comes into action. A website, like a car, has to be maintained to prevent it from breaking.

Is that cousin of yours going to be at your disposal if any incident occurs, such as updating plugins and then everything goes wrong? Is he going to renew your hosting when it’s due? Is he or she going to be up to date in terms of security? Or correctly implement such delicate matters as the cookies? No more questions, your honour.

A colleague of mine, who did a very complete free course, is in charge of the SEO 

Let's say your friend is good at writing and has knowledge of SEO. That's great. He or she writes a lot of cool blog articles, optimises the landings well, gets interesting links to give you extra link building, but... Will he or she be there when Google comes out with another algorithm and everything has to be rewritten?

SEO is a science that evolves very fast every day. You have to put in a lot of hours to compete for the top positions on Google's search results pages (SERPs). And, above all, you need a lot of patience and regularity that an amateur can hardly guarantee.

My sister is in charge of social media, and she knows a lot about it

We all know someone who has hundreds or thousands of followers on their social media profiles, right? But having a high number of followers doesn't equate to magically making money. The reality is quite different from what it seems, because personal profiles are different from company accounts.

Only a social media specialist is in control of almost everything: designing, planning and implementing social media strategies. But also to draw reports to analyse what has been done well or not, to know what kind of language to use, how to set up campaigns, to control many platforms... and to be available 24/7.

Pay for a logo? My neighbour designs it with Paint in five minutes.

Yeah, right... with Paint. And you'll be cool with it, won't you? Bear in mind that a bad design is one of the main reasons why a user leaves a website. The image projected by the website is extremely important, so you have to consider many aspects such as the logo, the combination of colours, the typography...

But not only this counts, as it’s also important that a website is responsive, that is to say, that it’s optimised for mobiles and that everything doesn’t get out of sync. Of course, only a design professional knows exactly how to design a website. And that's because that's what he or she has studied for. It makes sense, don't you think?

Coco Solution, the Anti-Amateur Marketing Agency You Need

Unprofessionalism is only good at one thing: spending more and more money on fixing botched jobs. Nothing else. Therefore, wf what you need is a new website or brand identity, to get more traffic to your site with SEO or social media... wouldn't it be better to rely on marketing professionals like Coco Solution?

PS: any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental!

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