The AIDA Model & How to Apply It in the Real World

Within digital marketing we find all kinds of methods to capture the attention of our audience. However, there is one that is already a classic, it is considered a classic and today it is still really useful, we refer to the AIDA model.
There are many examples of this method that can serve as a reference for your marketing and advertising campaigns.
Its origin can be found back in the 19th century and it continues to be of capital importance in identifying the different phases through which a user passes until the final decision to purchase the product or service.
Therefore, if you know in depth what it is and how to apply it, it can be an excellent tool for your campaigns.
Next, we are going to tell you everything related to the AIDA method and its correct implementation in campaigns, as well as a series of practical examples of how it is used in a good advertising campaign.
“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer look smart”.
Joe Chernov
What is the AIDA model?
With this phrase that perfectly illustrates what can be achieved with a great marketing campaign, we begin our particular journey through the sales process.
First of all, the AIDA method consists of correctly separating and analyzing all parts of our client's purchasing process.
For this, are the actions and tasks that will be necessary analyzed and defined to try to lead the client to convert from the first stage in which they know our product or service.
At first, it is somewhat complex, right? Well, the truth is that if a series of specific techniques are carried out, it can be achieved. Your main mission is to take that client by the hand in each and every stage of this process.
Next, we are going to tell you about the 4 phases of the purchase process.
We start with a basic principle in our life, which is the ability to capture the attention of others.
In this phase, the user must realize that he has a need and that he must satisfy it. The first step will be to get their attention so that they realize that you are an option to meet their needs.
Before carrying out this action, it would be convenient for them to get to know your target audience in depth: motivations, tastes, geographical area, concerns, etc. Creating this segmentation will be useful to be able to send more personalized messages that attract the customer's attention.
We are advancing in the phases and we are already encountering a slight interest. The user already knows that you are there and will begin to collect all the information regarding your service or product.
With this second phase of the AIDA model you have already captured attention, but you are at the point where you must maintain it so that the user continues to investigate your brand.
However, the main key in this phase is personalization. If the customer sees that your brand really cares about their problem and you offer them a tailor-made solution, the conversion will be a matter of time.
Here the user already knows what he wants, so he will start a round of comparisons between different products that he has around him.
The objective of this stage is to demonstrate to the consumer that your product or service is the best option among all those that are comparing information.
To do this, you will need to stand out from all the competition, offer something differentiating, since otherwise, the user will go straight to your competition. Game Over.
We reach the point where, if everything has gone through the correct channels, the user will take action and make the long-awaited purchase.
In this phase, you must put a red carpet for the user and facilitate the purchase as much as possible. An example could be to offer you in detail what the benefits are if you decide to buy the product or service.
“Stop selling. Start helping”.
Zig Ziglar
When to apply the AIDA model in copywriting?
To put the AIDA method into practice, you will not need to have great knowledge of marketing or be a great expert in the field.
However, if you want to obtain optimal results in your purchasing processes, we suggest that you put yourself in the hands of a professional in the field.
However, we leave you a series of tips to use the AIDA method correctly:
- Buyer persona: you have to know it very well to establish the appropriate profile of your ideal client to detect their interests, concerns and motivations with the sole purpose of elaborating content that triggers your purchase.
- Empathize with the user: you have to make them feel comfortable, offering valuable and quality content that corresponds to their level of interest.
- Encourage their purchase: it is vital to show the user how their life will change with the purchase of your product or service, making you participate and that they feel represented by the brand.
- Action: try to convince in all possible ways (within the law, please) so that this potential client buys from you and reduces the conversion phases as much as possible. Another detail to take into account is that you not only have to get them to buy, but also to turn to your brand again when they feel they have to cover other needs.
3 examples of the AIDA model
Now that you know more about the AIDA method, it is time to go on to see a series of examples of how to apply it in your advertising campaigns.
We go on to show the 3 best examples of how this method is implemented within marketing.
We started!
1. AIDA at Domino's Pizza
We all know the fast food multinational Domino's Pizza and what it offers us, so far so good, right?
Well, the brand in its promotions makes a call for attention with a very direct question that goes squarely to the main problem of a client: his indecision.
Arouse your interest with the following slogan: Can't you decide between two Domino`s? Well, we make it easy for you, get two for 8.50.
Now that they have your attention, it will cause you a great desire to buy the pizza, with a photo with which your stomach will scream for you to make that order.
Your call to attention in this case will be the invitation that you will make us ask for it at home.
2. AIDA in Email Marketing
Email marketing is where this method is best put into practice. It helps you to a great extent to correctly structure and elaborate a text that is not a tostón and the user gets bored the second they start reading it.
With this technique, we can also include actions dedicated to storytelling. Users love to read stories, to be entertained and storytelling is a great way to hook the Internet user and take him towards the final phase of conversion.
A clear example of the AIDA model in email marketing is made by NH Hoteles. In them, he wants to capture your attention with a very clear and direct message, as well as a question.
They arouse the interest of the user by creating a need, that if you do not buy the vacation package, you may be without your dream vacation, being able to choose from endless destinations.
The next step is desire. Here the "run, hurry" plays a fundamental role, creating a sense of urgency that can even burn your fingers if you don't click on booking.
To conclude, the call for attention is clear and direct, "book now."
Simple, but very direct example that goes directly to the user's need to enjoy a time of rest and escape from day to day.
What do you want for the summer, beach, sun and sea all of a sudden, right?
3. AIDA model on Facebook Ads
Well, let's focus on the final stretch of this article on the method AIDA. We finish this ranking of examples with the king of social networks and Facebook advertising.
We know the importance of images and videos in advertising and to get the user's attention. However, Facebook ADS places an importance on text that other channels may not do.
They are mainly based on making a wake-up call with a question that directly involves the user, almost forcing him to click and enter the ad.
His method of generating interest is based on talking about the benefits of the methodology offered. The way it sparks interest is when they highlight the benefits you get if you decide to choose the FREE webinar or course.
We put it so big because it is the exact word to generate the desire of "I want to have that." Your call to action is a simple box in which you will put your data, email, etc. where the offered product will arrive.
Digital marketing offers many tools that are very important when setting up our own advertising campaign. This method, despite the fact that many call it outdated and a little out of date, is the one that brings the most benefits and the one that works for many companies, large and small.
For this reason, we have offered you this valuable information about the AIDA model and how to implement it correctly to achieve the best marketing campaign that brings you the benefits you expect.