Experiential Marketing: What Is It?

Author : Coco Solution
09 de Febrero, 2022
We talk about Experiential Marketing and why you should start to learn about this type of online advertising now.

Customer behavior has been changing and evolving over the years. Consumers do not think or act the same as 10 years ago, social behaviors have changed and have caused brands to change their strategies to attract new customers.appears within these new strategies Experiential marketing.

It is true that we are at a crucial moment for the future of the brands that we follow and consume, as they are in search of positive experiences that attract those customers and strengthen ties with brand regulars.

With this, it is sought not only to convert and that the client buys the product on duty, but it seeks to create a connection through experiences, since they generate emotions and these are in charge of decision-making on many occasions.

In the following lines we are going to teach you a novel method in terms of attracting new customers, experiential marketing. We are going to tell you what this concept is, how it is carried out, the keys it contains and how experiences can be applied to brands and their marketing campaigns.

The concept of experiential marketing

The marketing of experiences or marketing of emotions, is one that is conceived to provoke emotions. In other words, the product or service that you want to sell goes far beyond what it really represents and is worth more for what it represents.

Within this type of experiential marketing full of emotions, everything that can produce a feeling and provoke a desire and pleasure for something in particular comes together. 

All this can be through sounds, smells, images, memories, etc. anything that can cause us a positive feeling.

We know very well that we buy what we need. Consumption was based almost exclusively on internal feelings, but is this always the case? The answer is no, since marketing is often the one who creates those needs through their campaigns and this is where emotion marketing comes in.

The keys to emotional marketing

To be able to appeal to these emotions that lead us to consumption, brands need to know what the keys to experiential marketing are. In this case there are two: emotions and technology.


99.9% of the decisions we make in our day to day are emotional acts and the decisions regarding the purchase of a product or service are the same.

If a brand is able to develop an optimal emotional experience, based on positive reinforcement, launching stimuli of need without being too invasive, it will start to win over consumers from minute 1 thanks to experiential marketing.

This is because it has added a differential value to its product or service that the competition has not been able to develop and that value is what induces the consumer to buy.


It's no surprise at this point that technology plays a critical role in marketing campaigns.

Experience marketing and technology go hand in hand. The correct use of technology will help you to create an audience segmentation to be able to carry out more specific actions adapted to the audience you want to reach.

Thanks to the technology we use today, totally positive and enriching experiences can be created through virtual reality, augmented reality, mobile and touch devices, etc.

The 5 types of experiential marketing

We have already seen what experiential marketing is and the keys that surround it. Now is the time to see the different types of experiential marketing that we can find.

There are 5 types of marketing that we will tell you below:

1. Marketing of sensations

This type of marketing is based on specific neuromarketing techniques. With this, the stimulation of the senses of the buyers is sought.

The main objective of this type of experiential marketing is to create experiences based on taste, touch, smell and sight. With this, they seek to make a difference by offering a sensory experience that gives added value to the brand.

2. Sentiment marketing

Feelings are referred to here in an exponential way. The main objective is to awaken positive feelings in the consumer, both in the previous moment and in the purchase process.

If we want to implement this type of marketing correctly, we must know the consumer quite well, with the mission of generating an empathy that brings us closer and closer to him.

3. Thought marketing

Thought marketing evokes the intellect as the main objective to create cognitive experiences that solve problems with reason as the main engine.

A product that will solve a problem is a product that will undoubtedly attract a large number of buyers.

4. Marketing of actions

Here a call is made to the actions that have to do with the lifestyle, the body and the movements. Its mission is to offer new ways of life and other alternatives to carry out other types of actions.

5. Relationship

This type of experiential marketing is not based on emotions, or feelings, or anything like that, it focuses and is based on the whole and on creating group experiences that enrich the collective.

With this, what is sought is to create experiences that can recreate the values ​​of a specific brand.

5 tips to apply experiential marketing in your strategy 

Let's launch a question into the air: Is experiential marketing (and digital marketing in general) always effective? The answer is that nothing in this life is effective if some details are not taken into account.

For starters, experiential marketing can be very effective in businesses that have a physical presence. However, this strategy must be known to take it to the online world and the expected results are not always obtained.

If you want to know how to add this type of marketing so fashionable in recent years, we are going to offer you 5 tips so that you can do it with all possible guarantees.

1. Your target audience

In any marketing strategy, and in this case of experiential marketing, knowing your target audience is paramount. Not only will it be enough for you to know it, you have to segment it by tastes and interests that will help you create a more positive impact.

2. Make a good design

If you are looking to create certain links with your target audience, making a good design is the basis. Take care of and pamper the design of the physical or online store, the brand logo, the web, the blog, etc. It is essential, since it will be the visible face of your brand, your hallmark.

3. Always add a good storytelling

This technique based on telling stories has positioned itself as one of the best and most effective techniques to capture the attention of the target audience from minute one.

However, it is not easy to get into the mind of the consumer, we leave that to the mentalists and other intellectual professionals, right?

But the truth is that telling stories, whether invented or personal, generates a strong impact on the reader so now you know, tell us an exciting story!

4. The importance of infographics

Infographics and videos have the quality of endowing brands with personality. In the same way, they are also capable of stimulating the target audience.

You can create promotional videos of your brand or infographics that show detailed information about your products or services.

5. Social networks

Social networks have become a very interesting vehicle for carrying out campaigns experiential marketing. In this case, you can use them to interact with your customers and to enhance, even more if possible, their feeling of belonging.

Experiential marketing and its examples

We are coming to the end of this exciting article on experiential marketing and its use. You already know its concept, its keys and how to implement it correctly in a content strategy.

Now is the time for you to see a series of examples of how the big brands have chosen experiential marketing and how they managed to capture the attention of the public.


We could not start any other way than with the king of advertising and marketing of emotions.

Coca-Cola has us used to spots full of emotion. In one of his promotions, "Unlock the 007 in you". The multinational did not think of anything else that, coinciding with the premiere of a new James Bond film, they decided to move to the London Underground to carry out its promotion.

The action itself developed a vending machine cokes was directed to all those who wishpurchase a Coke Zero. When the consumer bought it, he got the following message:

"Would you like to get exclusive tickets to see 'Skyfall'?" Go to platform 6. You have 70 seconds to release the 007 in you ”.

A masterstroke with experiential marketing as a banner that made you feel like a 007 agent for a few seconds, you had a Coke and also, you won some free tickets to see the movie, what more could you ask for?


I must confess something, I am a number one fan of Starbucks coffees, their aromas, their flavors and their stores. This is a clear example that they are one of the benchmarks in experience marketing and neuromarketing techniques.

With their first global campaign, "Meet me at Starbucks", they created a short film in about 60 countries showing different meetings between friends, co-workers, partners, etc. associating the brand with the most important moments of our lives, touching the key of emotions as well as the desire to have a good coffee.

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling like having a café latte ...


The Swedish multinational, taking advantage of its business model, launched an international campaign in all those countries where it had a presence.

The truth is that the campaign was a real genius. His fans were able to enjoy a pajama party in one of his stores. In addition, other types of services were included such as body care or waiters who were serving some type of snack.

Likewise, this experiential marketing campaign had a high level of acceptance by customers, who were able to try the new items first-hand and, incidentally, the brand was able to strengthen ties with customers thanks to this close and personal relationship. that Ikea had with its customers.

We know very well that life is based on experiences, stimuli and positive reinforcements that make us react and make decisions and the world of digital marketing was not going to be alien to it.

Human beings respond to certain stimuli and we let ourselves be guided by them to make decisions. Brands have taken note of all this and got to work to develop marketing plans that revolve around emotions.

In short, if as a brand you want to reach your customers and strengthen ties with them, the best thing you can do is to know in depth how to implement experiential marketing techniques thanks to the information and advice that we have offered you throughout the article.

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