The 10 Best Keyword Research Tools to Boost Your Traffic

Author : Coco Solution
24 de Febrero, 2021
Discover the 10 best tools to search for keywords in Google, both free and paid. Start your SEO strategy now.

It’s 2021. SEO is on the rise and there are many people who have ventured to set up specific niches or to position their businesses with a few key premises that are on the Internet. You have all the enthusiasm in the world and then comes that moment that every SEO strategy needs: searching for keywords.

Yes, those words by which people can find the services, products or information that we offer on our website. It turns out that it’s not so easy to find a keyword research tool that offers data with a low error rate.

In this article we want to show you the options you have, both the paid ones, which are usually the most complete, and the free ones that can help us to scale our website.

Because all of them can be useful and we recommend you to choose the one that best suits your pocket and your expectations. And we warn you: to start with, you don't need to enter into a monthly spending fee that will later become a very heavy burden.

5 Best SEO Keyword Research Tools

Let’s get to know the best paid keyword research tools.


For us as an agency specialising in SEO, SEMRUSH is our choice. It allows you to extract the best keywords for your business with data as important as volume, keyword difficulty or CPC.

But it also allows us to monitor the competition and observe what keywords they are positioning, as well as giving us metrics that make us a competitor to take into account if we know how to use them. Super complete and easy to use, SEMRUSH prices range from $120 to $450.


SEOLYZE shows similar values and metrics, but its strength lies in the information at the level of SEO content that the competition is doing, being able from the same tool to replicate and improve their content strategies focused on organic positioning.

The prices are set at €40 per month up to 130€. It’s very worthwhile as far as SEO Content optimisation is concerned.


This tool, as a content writer, seems essential to me because it audits immediately the text you have created for SEO. It tells you what you need, it comments on keywords, referrers and secondary keywords. It provides density metrics and is able to locate and contextualise the content it audits.

As a professional, I believe that few tools can help a SEO copywriter as much as RYTE does. Plus, you get to use a small percentage of the potential of their in-house tools for free. When I used it, I fell in love at first sight.

The problem? There’s no pricing on its website, so imagine how expensive it is. The tool is amazing and they’re aware of it.


The best ally of link builders and Off Page SEO lovers. It allows us to perform a keyword research and find the queries and related queries that revolve around a keyword. In addition, it can analyse the keywords for which the competition has positioned itself.

Its keyword search engine is great for creating a correct H structure and above all for creating texts designed for positioning or to be the focus of investment in SEM campaigns.

However, it’s possibly the most expensive of all: from $99 to $999..


We end with a low-cost keyword research tool that offers services very similar to those offered by the previous ones. Moreover, it sells itself as the all-in-one SEO tool.

It’s able to do everything from keyword tracking, SEO audits, keyword cannibalisation warnings and keyword monitoring so you can have all the organic positioning information directly from your dashboard.

20€ for the basic plan up to 55€ for the most complete one. We weren't lying when we said it was low cost. If we have to give you a piece of advice... if you’re planning to invest monthly in a keyword research tool, try this one. 

5 Best Free SEO Keyword Research Tools

Let’s get to know the best free keyword research tools.


Yes, with GOOGLE ADS KEYWORD PLANNER you can get an idea of the keywords you need to target so that your users can find you.

Using it it’s easy. Just sign up for the Google Adwords tool and simulate a SEM campaign. You’ll reach a point where you’ll have access to the search intentions of your potential users for everything related to your business.


AHREFS also has a tool for SEO content writers, limited but that lets you search for keywords and creates a group with which you can go along perfectly to create articles for a blog to be positioned organically.

This Google keyword search tool is an interesting option because in the absence of the Keyword Planner, the AHREFS database is perfectly reliable for a simple SEO strategy.


Juicy extension for Google Chrome that will allow you to see the volume of the keywords you search for. On the right it will also show you the variations and secondary keywords with their volume and frequency of use.

This is a must-have if you want to work in SEO or if you’re a content writer focused on organic positioning. It's as good as a keyword tool and it's free.


A tool that if you combine it with an extension like the previous one, is pure gold. ANSWERTHEPUBLIC generates the entire ecosystem of queries around a keyword. Ideal for articles, guides or to position a FAQ.


Another Google tool ideal for locating keywords that are trending. It doesn’t show the volume of searches but it does show us graphs and estimates that will give us an idea of what type of queries to include in our strategy. It’s an ideal complement to the keyword planner or other free tools.

What's our advice? Use them all to make your strategy… they ‘re all free! Filter data, unify them and use them to generate a complete keyword SEO strategy.

What Keyword Research Tool to Use

If you’re wondering if we’re going to tell you which SEO keyword research tool you should use, we’re sorry to tell you that our pick is... SEMRUSH! But if you don't have money to invest in these tools, because we know they are not cheap, use them, as we said before, all of them. 

Searching for keywords for your SEO strategy is vital. Besides, the possibility of tracking and analysing them will give you an advantage over your competition. Don't just imagine them, try to think about the search environment and use these tools to evaluate all the relevant keywords in your sector.

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