The Perfect Domain for Your Website

I'd like to tell you that you've been lied to, perfect mastery doesn't exist. But don't get frustrated and throw the computer out the window just yet, it doesn't matter that you've been lied to, it's not important that it doesn't exist either. Because, even if it doesn't exist, you can create a domain that is perfectly useful for your purpose.
The important thing in creating an impressive web domain is not to make it perfect, but to create a brand image and make it recognizable. Convert something that has no meaning into something that is fully meaningful to your target audience and your customers.
To achieve this, we must go back to the beginning, where our idea and goals began. We must rethink and remember what we are trying to achieve and who it is aimed at.
If we do not know that, we cannot grow as a brand and, consequently, we cannot grow our domain. The hardest and most common mistake is to completely ignore what we want to achieve. Therefore, we must avoid falling into this common error.
Once we have thought about it, we will have already taken the first step to create the domain we are looking for and it will be time to continue with the next aspect to take into account.
Which is the perfect web domain
The perfect website domain is one that is perfectly suited to our needs. The one that works for us while we lie quietly on the couch enjoying a good Netflix series. Let's be realistic, if we want to reach that level of richness where our domain works for us (e.g.: Facebook) it won't be enough to create the domain.
Although it may seem obvious, after creating it we will have to work on it, make it go up and position it in Google. It is because of all this that we needed to decide at first where we wanted to focus our company and consequently our website.
If we had not had clear all that from a beginning we would simply make an empty domain that we would leave to die with time and we would not be able to administer it nor to work it with seriousness.
After all, the reason why we decided to buy a domain is to make ourselves known and increase the sales volume of our company. To do this in these times it is necessary to do SEO and write content. If we don't have a domain name that matches our brand image, users won't remember it and that would be counterproductive.
Now that we have a clear idea of our target and our scope of action, we can start to decide which would be the optimal domain for us.
How to choose the perfect domain name for your website
There are many aspects to consider when choosing a domain. Here's what they are.
Keyword-centric domains
This type of domain that focuses on keywords seeks to generate traffic by making users find your website through the use of keywords within the domain itself.
At the beginning of the Internet this type of domain was very practical and it is true that it helped you to position yourself in Google. However, due to the increase in the network and the number of people who have resorted to this strategy, the positioning that Google allows you thanks to this method is basically insignificant.
In any case, it can be useful if you want your customers to find you and know what you do before they enter your website. Although it has certain drawbacks, such as the fact that you close the possibilities of opening up to other sectors with the same domain name later on.
Domains focused on branding
It is a domain that is fully focused on branding, making it the ideal domain for most long-term projects. When we are looking for a website as an audience, usually what we think about when we search is the brand of the company we are looking for. Consequently, using a branding strategy favours growth with this type of website and also helps clients remember the name of your company.
The disadvantage that this type of domain has is that at first it will be difficult to position because there will not be a cognitive link between your brand and what you sell until you have grown enough to become a pillar in your sector. Even so, in the long term it tends to be the most widely used domain model and the one that works best.
Location-centric domains
Geographically focused domains are ideal for state agencies or small regional businesses. These domains are usually taken by government agencies as direct links to cities or regions in a given location. The normal and advisable thing to do, if you use them, is to do it in a mixed way, because although it is true that they have a high positioning in Google, they provide little content to the user.
Mixed domains
These are those domains which do not have a single format and take advantage of several of them. Any type of domain mentioned above can be combined in any way you wish. However, some unions will have some uses and others depending on which one is chosen.
- Brand + keyword:
- Brand + place:
- Keyword + place:
Types of web domain
Although we have previously categorized the domains according to the functionality that they have in practical use, we must also consider that a standard categorization was created which Google, to a greater or lesser extent, attends to when deciding where to position you. This selection can be separated into three different types of domain.
Generic top level domains
They are those that were created to play a specific role on a global and generic level, thus allowing Google to know how to categorize them and where to position them. Some examples are:
- org: NGOs
- com: business web
- net: web services business
Geographic top level domains
These are domains that are separated by a specific geographical location. They are very useful when you have a small company and you want to position it in a certain region. For instance:
- United Kingdom
- .mx: Mexico
- .es: Spain
Focused domains
These are domains created relatively early on, more focused and directed towards certain sectors or professions, sometimes even focused on certain cities or geographical areas. Examples:
- .art
- .blog
- .fashion
- .free
- .hotel
- .movie
- .music
- .radio
- .sex
- .travel
How to create the perfect webpage domain
Bearing in mind that our goal in this post is to teach you how to create the perfect domain name, a basic explanation of how to buy your own domain name could not be missing. To explain this in we should talk about what a hosting company is.
The host is basically the place that our website occupies on the Internet, because although it may seem a lie, the Internet is not immaterial or illusory. Its headquarters are located in different supercomputers around the globe called servers and these servers have a limited space. Consequently, when we pay for a domain name what we are really paying for is a small storage space on one of these computers.
Even so, ignoring many aspects and summarizing much, a hosting company is a company that sells us space on a server that manages to keep our domain and our website. To have a domain the first thing we need to do is check if it is free and if it is we must buy it from a hosting company that will charge us annually for its storage.
Taking into account all the above and knowing that what you pay is the name and storage location of your domain, some websites where we can buy domains are:
- GoDaddy
- Arsys
- nominalia
Formation of the perfect domain
While many of these steps are obvious in this day and age and you may have heard about them countless times, other issues to consider when choosing how to create a perfect domain are what it should be:
Easy to write
A domain that is complicated to write down is difficult to spell and therefore complicated to say on the phone. This can be a big obstacle when we are going to communicate our website address to our customers or suppliers.
This is a rather controversial aspect, it really doesn't need to be short to be practical. But as a general rule, the shorter it is, the easier it is for our customers to remember it and to communicate it to others. Even so, it all depends on our target and whether or not it is preferable for the client to communicate it by word of mouth.
No numbers or dashes
In this aspect we have the same problem as above, the dashes and numbers make it possible for the domain to be better positioned in Google because it is better differentiated, but at the same time it makes it much more complicated for our clients to remember the entire domain.
Easy to remember
Our domain has to be easy to remember, otherwise we won't get people to remember how to get back to it when necessary. And they won't know how to recommend you if they don't remember your name or the name of your website.
This is obvious, if it's not available it doesn't make sense how much you've been racking your brain thinking up the ideal name for your perfect domain, because in the end all you'll have done is waste your time.
Adequate length
As we said before that being short is not necessarily good and not bad, the ideal is that you say what you want with the right space and also be easy to remember. That's the real difficulty when it comes to mastering.
Another issue to consider is that your domain does not look like a company already registered or competing in a similar sector to yours. It could cause you many legal problems that are best avoided.
It also needs to be differentiated because the more differentiation you have from the rest, the better for your brand image and your positioning.
With this we conclude how to create the perfect domain name for your website, now you just need to start analyzing where you are and where you are going so that you can choose your ideal domain name.